About Us


We got you!
I hope today you know we are here to help!
Life is complex and so are each of us. We focus on your mind, body, spirit connection to help you achieve your full potential and purpose. Whether through business and leadership, personal growth and expansion, healing from chronic disease, relief from anxiety, or spiritual enlightenment; we are here for it!
Because You Are Worth It!
With a whole community of people just like you, supporting each other and cheering you on.
To be honest, these life changes are not easy. You must put in the work for sustainable results. So gather up that burning desire inside you and that determination you have and put it into action reaching your goals today.
If you are ready to Heal, Expand, Enlighten, and Reach Others; leveling up your life. Living a joyful, abundant, and free future you control — Scroll Down...


Your Personal Guide



Welcome To Journeying with Jessica

“I believe in you, your true potential.”

Most of us just haven’t tapped into it yet. I know you can overcome obstacles, challenges, and being sucked into societal pressures. It’s time to take back control. Through showing you how to be authentic, free, and powerful.”

We will show you the way…Journey with us today!

We are all here for a unique reason, from leading, serving, and doing. We show you how to find your purpose, empower you to go further, ignite the fire inside you and bring others along the journey. No matter your walk in life, we are here to serve you.

Offering you a choice. The choice to evolve in a joyful life. Fulfilling your purpose, touching lives, living your truth. We should all have this opportunity and choice to live a life worth living that fills our whole being.

I do this through teaching, teaching from my experiences and learning.

The truth is I have a vivacious appetite for knowledge and growing. This wasn’t always easy being a Medium in our world. But that is where my journey began. I’m a societal survivor. I have been a single mom, career ladder climber, 5x business owner, and chronically ill with Lupus, Cancer, Fibro, and Rheumatoid Arthritis. 

So I learned…a lot! 

Currently obtaining my PhD in Human Enlightenment after receiving a variety of degrees and certifications, and training in Human Consciousness, Business Administration, Program Management, Psychology, Business Administration, Astrology (Western and Vedic), Yoga, Meditation, and many more healing modalities. Including herbalism and Ayurveda.

I want to help everyone to have the courage to grow! Grow beyond the societal constraints. Not being told “NO” or “CAN’T” anymore.

Life doesn’t have to be unfulfilling, unhealthy, confusing, or lonely.

Imagine, for a moment. Your day filled with love, joy, wellness and peace. Growing into your authentic self and inspiring all those around you. Having direction with clarity.

Can you imagine that? How it would simplify your decisions. Release your mind. Attract and fulfill your purpose. A space in this universe, all your own. A new understanding of life. Can you see it?

Let me show you the way! A new way of life so full of knowing, understanding, and passion!”

Jessica xox

Prior suffering patient of Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Cancer, and Fibromyalgia

“Being the odd one out, has been my path. Always studying belief practices, questioning what was taught and why we functioned the way we did and do in society. If everything around us was created for a reason, why has our evolution created an environment where we are so disconnected?

Plants heal, animals circulate life, energy flows everywhere and anywhere. Our bodies and minds waiting to be woken to a way of life changing everything.

On my journey I have met many people gifted and experienced in their practices. I have built a beautiful community of teachers, all selected for their variety, passion, and expertise. From our Bliss Out Yoga to Spiritual Pathfinders.

Driven by a belief that there is always more… More to explore, learn, grow, and heal. Expanding our connections and creating a life of peace, abundance, joy, physical and mental health, and fulfilment.

We all want to help bring you to the life you know exists. Supported through our variety of healing herbs and blends we grow on our organic natural farm (Sticks and Stones) in Washington.

Healthy Body, Happy Mind, Growing Spirit!”


We Are More

Healthy Body – Happy Mind – Growing Spirit

Are you ready for more? We aren’t just a school or program. We are a community of teachers and practitioners serving you.

Everyone has the right to experience peace and happiness. Connected to your mind, body, spirit, and Living Your Best Life!

Touching lives through igniting a curiosity and hunger for lifelong learning. Unlocking your ability to change your life and help others do the same. 

We will show you the way…Journey with us today!

Healing Tea
Yoga Practice
Ayurvedic Healing