Your Gifts Are Needed

• Discover how shifting your mindset about financial success can empower you to grow your practice while enhancing your ability to help others.
• Learn practical strategies to overcome fears of technology and money management, allowing you to confidently expand your reach and connect with more individuals in need of your healing gifts.
• Uncover the transformative power of community support and storytelling, and how it can shift your perspective from isolation to collaboration on your spiritual journey.

Read on for the whole story.

Discover the Unexpected Gifts of Your Virgo Friends

What’s covered:

Discover the hidden motivations behind a Virgo’s keen observations and learn how they can elevate your approach to personal growth.
Uncover the delicate balance between Virgo criticism and constructive feedback that can transform your relationships.
Learn how to harness the transformative energy of Virgo season to set meaningful goals and embrace self-improvement.

Discover the Secrets of Horny Goat Weed

Discover the intriguing legend behind horny goat weed and how it earned its name as an aphrodisiac through the observations of a goatherd and his lively goats.
Uncover the science behind icariin, the potent flavonoid in horny goat weed that may enhance blood flow and improve sexual function naturally, without traditional medication side effects.
Learn how this ancient herb could offer relief from menopausal symptoms like hot flashes while promoting hormonal balance for a smoother transition.

Read on for the whole story…

Discover the Timeless Tool for Inner Peace: Why Mindful Breathing Is the Missing Piece in Your Spiritual Journey

Belly Breathing

Here’s What’s to follow:

Discover how a simple act, often overlooked, can unlock the door to profound spiritual awakening without the financial burden of classes or seminars.
Learn practical breathing techniques that can instantly shift your mindset and elevate your emotional well-being, guiding you toward inner peace.
Reflect on the power of nature and mindful moments as you reclaim control over your life through the rhythm of your breath.

Read on for the whole story…

Unearth the Secrets of the 7 Chakras: Why You Should Care About Them

Have you experienced unexplained feelings of instability or bursts of energy? Discover how the balance of your chakras may be the hidden key.
– Curious about harnessing creativity, love, and intuition effortlessly? Learn why aligning the 7 chakras can transform your emotional and spiritual life.
– Want to feel a profound connection to the universe and enhance your overall well-being? Delve into the secrets of chakra alignment and its life-changing benefits.

Read on for the whole story.

From Leadership to Loyalty: What Your Birth as a Leo Says About Your Destiny!​

Discover the cosmic energy that makes Leo season the pinnacle of summer, unlocking a surge of confidence, creativity, and charisma in your life.
Learn how to harness Leo’s radiant warmth and vitality to express your inner passions and talents while avoiding the pitfalls of arrogance.
Unveil the secrets of Leo season’s impact on your relationships, enhancing bonds with loved ones and sparking new romantic possibilities.

Read on for the whole story.

Is Your Nervous System Secretly Sabotaging Your Peace? Learn The Surprising Truth!

Discover why simple vocalizations like moaning or humming can effectively reduce stress and boost your immune system.
Uncover the secret role your vagus nerve plays in regulating your mood and enhancing your overall well-being.
Learn how easy, everyday actions and yoga practices can create a powerful mind-body-spirit connection without breaking the bank.
Read on for the whole story.

Cancer Zodiac Sign

Cancers perspective of life

What’s covered in this article:

Discover how Cancer season, ruled by the Moon, amplifies your emotional connections and urges you to nurture relationships deeply.
Unveil the secrets of Cancer’s influence on different placements in your natal chart and what it means for your inner emotional world.
Learn why this Cancer season is the perfect time for self-care, fostering empathy, and creating a secure emotional environment.

Read on for the whole story…

Feeling Stressed? These Surprising Grounding Benefits Could Change Your Life!

Have you ever noticed how refreshed and peaceful you feel after spending time in your garden or simply walking barefoot on grass? There’s a reason behind that! While many of us are aware of the basic benefits of grounding—like reducing stress and feeling more connected to nature—did you know that this simple act can boost your immune system, act as an antidepressant, and even help with pain relief?

How Cloves Can Save Your Day…And Your Teeth!

Clove Tea

In this post:

Curious about the powers of cloves?

Find out how this little herb can alleviate oral pain and provide impressive health benefits.

Wondering how to use cloves beyond just spicing up your recipes?

Discover the surprising ways cloves can be used to treat toothaches, gum pain, and even minor cuts and scrapes.

The Sound of Blooms

Most would agree the Sun rise and Sun set are the most beautiful times of the day. It’s quiet and nature takes hold in all it’s natural glory to share if you are willing to listen.

So let’s pause on the sun rise for just a moment. Have you ever sat and watch a blossom open, or seen a dandelion seed? You might want to now 😉

Affirmations are Universal Law

Affirmation Brain Power

There’s a reason and process behind affirmations. Besides getting “Rich”, or finding our “True Love”. Because let’s be real, you can find that in your astrology chart.

What is a guided meditation?

I Can’t Meditate! Not the first time I have heard this…

Years ago, I would have said the same. We live in a noisy world with a lot coming at us. Let’s be real, the information overload and demands of life are tough. How can you quiet your mind and have no thought, really? By the time noon hits, I have already made so many decisions I must step away and clear my mind.
And like a boss – In walks Guided Meditation My first experience was back in the 90’s and it was magnificent. Now I mix these in with our daily Sadhanas. It’s very helpful for numerous reasons…

Simple Crystal Clearing

If you’re dealing with or using crystals on an energy level – enjoying them for reasons other than their visual appeal – then cleaning them regularly is essential. It is highly likely that a number of different individuals will have touched a crystal before it reaches you. And every time your crystal is touched, it […]

Is hypnobirthing right for you? 5 tips if it is

A woman doing yoga

Back in 1999 I became pregnant with my first daughter. I did what your supposed to do. I went to my doctor and immediately became overwhelmed with all the things I had to do and all the classes. Quickly followed by horror stories of other peoples birthing experiences. I was terrified.

New Moon in Aquarius Baby!

A full moon against the night sky

Why, well because it’s an air sign for thinking and it’s in a beautiful location of pleasure. So can we say, sounds like fun. You are going to be feeling the need to have fun while expressing yourself. Learning through creativity and the experiences you have. Let your originality fly!

A brief history of Hypnosis (1849- 1974) Part 2

Hypnosis using a pocket watch

1849-1936 Studies with Ivan Petrovich Pavlov – Russian psychologist who actually was more focused on the study of the digestive process move things even further forward. He is known primarily for his development of the concept of the conditioned reflex (or Stimulus Response Theory)

A Brief History of Hypnosis Part 1 (1734 – 1947)

Spiraling time

Evidence of hypnotic-like phenomena appears in many ancient cultures. The writer of Genesis seems familiar with the anaesthetic power of hypnosis when he reports that God put Adam “into a deep sleep” to take his rib to form Eve. Other ancient records suggest hypnosis was used by the oracle at Delphi and in rites in ancient Egypt (Hughes and Rothovius, 1996). The modern history of hypnosis begins in the late 1700s, when a French physician, Anton Mesmer, revived an interest in hypnosis.

5 Tips For Uniting Your Body, Mind, and Soul

A silhouette of a person’s head carved against a rock

Do you know what it takes to unite your body, mind, and soul? If you did, do you realize that you would be able to achieve the balance that nearly everyone wishes they had in their life? Do you know what you need to do for yourself in order to bring about this balance?