
Sarsaparilla salsaparrilha, khao yen. saparna, smilace, smilax, zarzaparilla, jupicanga, liseron epineux.

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Traditional Use: Sarsaparilla is used for treating psoriasis and other skin diseases, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and kidney disease; for increasing urination to reduce fluid retention; and for increasing sweating. Sarsaparilla is also used along with conventional drugs for treating leprosy and for syphilis.

Common Use: Athletes sometimes use sarsaparilla as a steroid for performance enhancement or bodybuilding.

Dispensing: Dosage: The dose of dried root is 1–4 g, or one cup of tea, three times/day.

In: Boy Stuff, Mad Hatter (this is a mix from Starwest already made)

Please note: quantity in ounces. (Example: qty 1 = 1 ounce)

We are not doctors, lawyers, accountants, or your mom. We give out free smiles and the occasional unsolicited advice. That being said; if you are pregnant, nursing or concerned about your health, call your mom. Or even better, consult a doctor before consuming; particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Additional information

Weight1.4 lbs


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